The Kimberley Society


Book Reviews and Notes

Note: This section of the website is being continuously updated and expanded. New book reviews and notes will be added soon after being published in the Boab Bulletin. Previously published ones will be uploaded when time permits.

Akerman, Kim. (organiser and annotator) Photographs from the frontier, Kimberley 1910-1911: Taken by the first Swedish scientific expedition to Australia. From prints held by the the National Museum of Ethnography, Stockholm, Sweden. (2017)

Ashton, Ross. Ochre-I want to paint.  (2017)

Basedow, Herbert. Narrative of an Expedition of Exploration in North Western Australia. 2009

Bear, Eddie and Hoskin, Robert. Return to Majaddin : A Kimberley Homecoming. (2017)

Birch, Reginald. Wyndham Yella Fella. 2003

Bloemen, Antoine. No Regrets: A Bicycle Dreaming from Belgium to Broome. 2014

Blundell, V. and Woolagoodja, D. Keeping the Wanjinas Fresh. 2005

Boulton, J. (editor). Aboriginal Children, History and Health: Beyond social determinants. 2016

Bridge,Ben. Travels and Adventures of Ben Bridge Throughout Western Australia and Northern Territory. 2012

Bridge, Peter J and Gail Dreezens (editors). The Mount Minnie Mystery & A Midnight Melee. 2008

Bridge, Peter J and Gail Dreezens (editors). The Drover's Scrapbook. 2008

Bridge, Peter J (compiler and editor). Paddy the Flat: The Life of Patrick Leahey Australian hero, prospector, publican and fighter for Digger rights. 2010

Bridge, Peter J. William Campbell Charnley 1882-1966: A Bibliography. 2011

Bridge, Peter J. Fighting the Kimberley: The 3 Australian Corps Kimberley Guerilla Warfare Group 1942-1943. 2012

Brockman, John. Pearling Days: The pearling voyage of the Sarah to the North West and Kimberley in 1880 and 1881, with an appendix on the death of W.H. Lowe during an expedition N. E. of the Gascoyne in late 1881. 2010

Broome Arts & Music Foundation Inc.  Kimberley Cultural Trail.  2005

Burges, Lockier Clere senior. Pioneers of Nor'-West Australia: Pastoral and Pearling. 2008

Byrne, Geraldine. Tom & Jack: A Frontier Story. 2003

Campbell, Jill. Bill and Mary Mac : From the Kimberleys to Cocklebiddy and places in between. (2014)

Charnley,W. The McGuire Mystery; Major the Outlaw; "Pigeon"; and The Tragic Pearl. 2010 For a bibliography of Charnley's writing, see Bridge, Peter J.  

Clement, Cathie & Gresham, Jeffrey &  McGlashan, Hamish (editors and compilers). Kimberley History: People, Exploration and Development.   2012

Coate, Yvonne. Mother O'Neill: Widow of the Kimberley Goldfield. 2012

Connell, Scotty.100 Things to See In The Kimberley. 2019

Coopes, Nerina. Pompey's Story: A Man for His Time. 2015

Crawford, Ian.  We won the victory: Aborigines and Outsiders on the North-West Coast of the Kimberley.  2001

Dambeemangaddee People. (Compiled and written by Valda Blundell, Kim Doohan, Daniel Vachon, Malcolm Allbrook, Mary Ann Jebb and John Bonman.) Barddabardda Wodjenangorddee : We're Telling All Of You. (2017)

Daylight, Bessie & Peters, Glenys & Evans, Tara Denise & Balacky, Mary Rose. The Adventures of Erin the Turtle.  2014

de Burgh, W J (editor). On Australia's Rim: J C de Lancourt's Travels in Australia 1924-1929. 2006

Dell, John (editor). The Western Australian Naturalist, Vol. 27, No. 4, April 8,  2011

Donaldson, Mike.  Kimberley Rock Art Volume One: Mitchell Plateau Area.  2012

Donaldson, Mike. Kimberley Rock Art Volume Two: North Kimberley. 2012

Driscoll, D.M. "Mick" Close Calls in the Kimberley. 2015

Edwards, Hugh. Barunga.  (2015)

Flinders, C.E. as told to Christie, J.F. Kimberley Days and Yesterdays: 45 years in the Great Nor-West. 2016

Flood, Josephine. The Original Australians: Story of the Aboriginal People. 2006

Ganter, Regina.  Asian-Aboriginal Contact in North Australia. 2006

Godbehear, Harold S. Kimberley was God's. 2011

Gomm, Kevin. Red Sun on the Kangaroo Paw. 2012

Gregory, Alison (with illustrations by Mark Wilson).  Rodeo Darcy . 2005

Gueho, Russell.  Icons of the Kimberley: An A to Z for Guides and Travellers. 2003

Gugeri, Michael. God before Gugeri : Luggers, trucks & water bores & other Kimberley stories. 2014

Hayes, Thea. An Outback Nurse.  2014

Heseltine, Margaret.  8 Whiskey Charlie Victor. 2003

Hill, Len. Droving with Ben Taylor. Up and down the Canning Stock Route in 1946. 2009

Holman, Janet (Compiler). Legend of the Kimberley: The Life and Stories of Lawson Holman-Flying Doctor and Flying Surgeon. 2004

Horden, Marsden.  King of the Australian Coast: the Work of Phillip Parker King in the Mermaid and Bathhurst 1817-1822.  1998

Hornabrook, Meg. The El Questro Story .  2012

Kersh, Norah.  Dry Grass Whispering. 2010

Johnson, Bob. Itchy Feet: The life and travels of "Happy Bob". 2112

Knight, Olive. as told to Teri-ann White. The Bauhinia Tree: The Life of Kankawa Nagarra Olive Knight. 2015

Kreczmanski, J.B. and Birnberg, M. Aborginal Artists: Dictionary of Biographies: Central Desert, Western Desert and Kimberley Region. 2004

Laurel, Hylton. The Cowboy Frog (Kawupayi Walak). 2003

Laurie, Victoria. The Kimberley: Australia's Last Great Wilderness.  2010  

Loane, Bill.  The Koolama Incident in the Timor Sea, 1942.  2004

Long, John. Swimming in Stone: The Amazing Gogo Fossils of the Kimberley.  2006

Lowe, Pat.  In the desert: Jimmy Pike as a boy.     2007

Lowe, Pat. Our Friends the Termites. 2015

Marchant, Leslie R. The Papal Line of Demarcation . 2008

McCombe, Mary (with editing by Joan Rogasch). Memoirs of a Nurse, Hall's Creek, Western Australia, 1921. 2010

 McIntyre, Claire.  Suicides and Settlers.  2008

Marshall, Lucy. Reflections of a Kimberley Woman.  2004

Mjoberg, Eric. Among Wild Animals and People in Australia (Bland Vilda Djur och Folk i Australien) Translated by Margareta Luotsinen and Kim Akerman2012

Morton, Steve and others (editors). Desert Lake: Art, Science and Stories from Paruku.  2013

Murray, Ian with Marion Hercock. Where on the Coast is That? 2008

Nailon, Brigida.  Emo and San Salvador.  2005

Nailon, Brigida. Encounter, The Past and Future of Remote Kimberley.  2010

Neville, A.O. Golden Land of Silence. A tale of the Kimberleys. 2010

Newling, Pip.  Knockabout Girl: A Memoir. 2007

Ngarjno, Ungudman, Banggal and Nyawarra with edting by Jeff Doring. Gwion Gwion: secret and sacred pathways of the Ngarinyin Aboriginal people of Australia. 2000

Niall,Brenda. True North: The story of Mary and Elizabeth Durack 2012

Norman, G V. A Pearler's Wife : Chapter extraction from A Pearling Master's Journey . 2009

Norman, J. E. deB, and Norman, G. V. A Pearling Master's Journey in the wake of the schooner Mist. 2007

O'Grady, Rosemary. The Longest Day. 2010

Owen, Chris. 'Every Mother's Son is Guilty": Policing in the Kimberley Frontier of Western Australia 1882-1905. 2016

Pawsey, Margaret (Translator) and Akerman, Kim (Editor). Cologne to the Kimberley: Studies of Aboriginal Life in Northwest Australia by Five German Scholars in the First Half of the 20th Century. 2015

Petri, Helmut. The Dying World in Northwest Australia. 2011

Petri, Helmut. The Australian Medicine Man (Der Australische Medizenmann). Translated by Ian Campbell, edited by Kim Akerman. 2014

Playford, Phillip & R Hocking & A Cockbain. Devonian reef complexes of the Canning Basin, Western Australia . 2009

Preston, Diana & Michael. A Pirate of Exquisite Mind: The Life of William Dampier: Explorer, Naturalist and Buccaneer. 2004 

Reed, William (Bill). The Long Road to Broome. 2016

Richardson,Gaye (Compiler).  Nurses With Altitude.  2008

Roe, Paddy with editing by Stephen Muecke. Gularabulu: Stories from the West Kimberley. 2016

Rogasch, Joan (compiler). Lil's Story: The Story of Sister Mary Elizabeth Rogasch. 2010

Rogasch, Joan & Dulcie Andrew. The garden of myth: life at the AIM Hospital, Halls Creek, Western Australia, 1918-21 and 1946-48 . 2012

Sanz de Galdeano, Seraphim.  Metamophosis of a Race: Kuini and Kulari Tribes of Kalumburu Mission 2006 

Sanz de Galdeano, Seraphim.  Memiors of a Spanish Missionary Monk.  2006

Scott, A. W. (Sandy). Australia's Kimberley Coast: its landscapes, biodiversity and human history. 2018

Scott, Raymond Thomas. The String of the Last Wreath: Annotated Diary 1896 to 1899 of Henry Charles Berand.  2013

Scourfield, Stephen. Other Country.  2007

Scourfield, Stephen. As the river runs. 2013

Shedley, Don & Meg. Black & White Best Together: The Bethel Story. 2007

Shelley, James J. et al. A field guide to freshwater fishes of the Kimberley. 2018

Smith, Barry. Battle for the North. 2012

Stacy, George & Charnley, William with editing by Peter J Bridge. The Pirates of the Ethel. 2016

Streeter, Edwin W. Pearls and Pearling Life. 2008 (facsimilie of 1886 edition)

Swift, John William. A New Zealand Gold Seeker's Adventure in Australia 1886-1901. 2015

Thomson-Dans, Carolyn.  North-West Bound from Batavia Coast to the Kimberley.  2007

Tickner, Neville W. Last of the Packhorse Stockmen: Warwick Edwards: the city kid goes bush. 2003

Toussaint, Sandy (editor). Kimberley Stories. 2012

Wainwright, Norma and Wright, Keith. Kununurra: From dreams to reality. 2006

Wall, Deborah Ruiz and Choo, Christine. Re-imagining Australia: voices of Indigenous Australians of Filipino descent. 2016

Ward, Craig with Morris, Ian. The Kimberley: endemic frogs, reptiles, birds & mammals. (2017)

Warner, Dave. Before it Breaks. 2015

Welch, David M (compiler). Kimberley People: Stone Age Bushmen of Today . 2009

Welch, David M. Aboriginal Paintings at Munurra, Kimberley, Western Australia. 2014

Welch, David M. Aboriginal Paintings of Drysdale River National Park, Kimberley, Western Australia. 2015

Welch, David M. From Bradshaw to Wandjina: Aboriginal paintings of the Kimberley region, Western Australia. 2016

Wells, Janet.  They even paid me: Raw reflections of a third generation Kimberley cattleman. 2015

Wells, Janet. Ready for anything. 2005 

Wilson, Ian.  Lost World of the Kimberley: Extraordinary glimpses of Australia's Ice Age Ancestors.  2006 

Wright, Jacqueline. Red Dirt Talking. 2012

Young, Howard. Crocodile Coast Crash. 2003

Zell, Len.  Wild Discovery Guides-Kimberley Coast. 2007

Favourite Kimberley Books. Vercoe, Jack.

Favourite Kimberley Books. McGlashan, Hamish.



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